The world is filled with people who are asleep, who are sleepwalking.
You have been given the light and you are awake. This is a gift; some sleepers we’re given the light but it is burning low or has been extinguished.
Do what it takes to stay awake. Don’t be tempted by the comfort of sleep from the sleepers.
They are relaxed, seemingly free, enjoying their lives.
Meanwhile you are turning inward, which is turning to Me, which is turning to love, which is turning to suffering.
The sleepers don’t appear to suffer.
That is the lie the evil one tells you, to get you to pause, to stop looking inward, to envy the sleepers. Don’t believe the lie, don’t let your lamp oil run dry.
They are suffering, some silently or invisibility, others not. To live a life without Me is to suffer because every creature I made has a need and desire for Me. When this need is not filled, there is suffering. A different suffering than that which coexists with love. A suffering that is not being Known. A suffering that risks eternity without Me.
Pursue Me and you will find the Truth. You will be fully awake, fully alive,you will live life to the full.
And you will find true joy, freedom, relaxation in Me. That which the sleepers exudes artificially is realized in relationship with Me.
Seek Me first, and the most important, the one true good thing, will come to you.