My beauty lies not in the curl of my lashes
The curve of my body
The coils of my hair
The smile on my lips
My beauty is the shining out of is within
But like a mirror
You will see it when it is reflected back to you.
My body is a loving tabernacle to the Most High
The more the unadulterated rays of light emanate from me
The more beautiful I am
Can you see the divine within me?
Lord give us eyes to see and hearts to sense
Am I perfect? No.
But I contain that which is Perfection Personified Himself
I am a carrier, an agent for the sacred water of eternal life
Which makes me His vessel a Holy and sacred vessel.
Prepare your heart and your mind for the things that are above
And you will see them.
Squander your mind in the things of this world, the fickle, the passing, the unchaste, the judgmental, the puritanical
And you will see them.